23 Steps to Find Happiness and Change Your Life
Once we step into adulthood we sometimes become so consumed with life that we forget to live. The mortgage, the student loans; they all get in the way. Our dreams are put aside and what we hoped to accomplish is never to be finished. They say that when we grow old our biggest regret is not about our failures, but what we never attempted. So do what makes you happy. Forgive your parents for mistakes they may have made during your childhood. Nobody is perfect. Hopefully you learned from them. Forgive someone for a past transgression. Let it go, if just for you. Eliminate toxic people from your life; regardless of how hard it may be. You do not need all the negativity in your life. Take a vacation by yourself. Go where you want, when you want. You get to see, do and eat what you want. Every choice will be yours and yours alone. See your favorite band play live. Watch your favorite movies one more time. I can watch some of mine...