We Should All Have A Credit Card

Whenever we turn the TV on, open up a magazine or visit the internet we get bombarded, or so it seems, by credit card offers. They are everywhere and they are relentless in the pursuit of new clients. My mother took out a small loan early last year, and she started to receive one or two credit card offers every week. Same with my son soon after he applied to college. Credit card usage is today seen as a negative by many. Some belive in only having one in case of emergencies and others do not believe in having any at all. To recommend using one has become almost irresponsible almost evil advice. Using a credit card to buy things you can't afford or even need is certainly not smart and somewhat irresponsible. The interest charges can pile up over time. Why do you think minimum payments exist? Finance charges and the compounding interest add up. There are also pluses to using credit cards and zero, yes no drawbacks when used correctly. I belie...