The Toxicity Caused by Today's Politics

I stay away from these issues on my blog, but the climate has become toxic and something needs to be change. I recently visited relatives in another state. This was days after the midterm elections were over and done with, but many campaign signs still remained visible. The first one to catch my eye was for county sheriff. The incumbent won; Many people I spoke to voted for him. Their decision was solely based on his position on gun control; Not whether crime went down, or he cleaned-up the streets. His effect on crime rate apparently had no bearing on the opinion of many voters. Another one that piqued my interest was one for a congressional hopeful. It seemed that the only thing many knew said candidate was their opinion on abortion. Not much more about their platform; not that they could tell me. These topics have been hot-button issues for quite some time and were usually deciding factors, discriminators so to speak, but as of now it see...