Get Started, One Step At A Time
When we finally decide to manage our financial situation and get out of debt we often feel lost, or how to get started. There are so many things to consider. Most of us cannot tackle them all simultaneously. Many end up putting it off and never actually get started. Just like walking, one foot in front of the other. You can accomplish your goals by attacking one task at a time. Erasing credit card debt, paying off your car early, taking on a 15 year mortgage instead of paying it off in 30 are not easy tasks and may even seem unachievable, but paying off one credit card or adding an extra $50 into your savings account this month are achievable goals. Create a budget. This is your starting point whether your goal is to achieve financial freedom, saving for the down-payment on a house, funding your retirement or simply becoming debt free. This is accomplished by listing all your income. Take into account every dollar that comes in. Then list all your expenses. Do n...